Can you not find the standard or technical rule you are looking for? It might be that it is no longer current.
Search using the field “Check status of standard ” This will then show either a list of replacement documents or a comment that the document was withdrawn without replacement.
Use the 6th option, “Check status of standard”, under the drop-down menu to the left of the search window to check the current availability of a standard.
Then select one of the new search options:
- Document number: Search using the document identifier (e.g. “DIN EN”) and/or the standard number (9001)
- Publication date: This serves as an additional search criterion to help narrow down the search. Date format: YYYY-MM
Example search term: "DIN 28054-2"
The result this generates is “The document you searched for has been withdrawn. The current replacement documents are shown. ”
The replacement document DIN EN 14879-2 is then displayed as an alternative result.