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Network licences

If you wish to store and use the documents in an in-house electronic network (intranet), you can obtain permission from the copyright holder for various collections of technical rules from us.

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Permission to reproduce DIN Standards

If you reproduce DIN Standards in whole or in part, for example to print them in catalogues, books or journals or to use them in courses or software products, you must obtain permission to reproduce them directly from DIN. You can apply for permission using the form “Request for permission to reproduce DIN Standards”. The Legal Department for the DIN Group will get back to you once we have received your form.

Reproduction of DIN standards

Further information on the reproduction and translation of DIN Standards is given in the documents below:

Reproduction of DIN standards with VDE classificiation

Information on the reproduction and translation of DIN Standards with VDE classification is given under the following link. Currently, this information is only available in German.

Reproduction of VDI Guidelines

Information on the reproduction and translation of VDI Guidelines is given under the following link. Currently, this information is only available in German. Please contact VDI for more information.