Above your initial search results you will options to refine your search. You will see the following filter options:

  • Content
  • Category
  • Publisher
  • Language
  • New editions

Simply click on the desired filter to see your search results narrowed down. These filters should help to make your search as accurate and helpful as possible.


The filters you select will be clearly indicated above your search results. You can remove each filter by clicking on the “x”. You can remove all filters by clicking on “Delete all”.

Here is an overview of the filters and their functionality:


  • Documents: all standards and technical rules
  • International standards: standards and technical rules published outside Germany
  • German standards: standards and technical rules published within Germany
  • Publications: subject literature, software products, audio books, commentaries etc.
  • Seminars/conferenced: events organised by the DIN Academy
  • eBooks: electronic books published by DIN Media
  • Online services: online services offered by DIN Media
  • Apps: apps provided by DIN Media
  • Informational material: service and product information

 This limits your search results to those within a subject area of DIN Media's publications (Civil engineering, Mechanical engineering etc.)

 This limits your search results to those published by a specific standards organization, such as DIN, ISO, BSI or AFNOR, for example. Articles also belong to more than one filterable area, i.e. a product can fall under both “publications” and “civil engineering”.

 This limits your search results to the selected language versions of the search term entered.

New editions

  • “New editions”: a document published within the last three months
  • “Pre-order”: articles that can be ordered prior to publication

Please note:

 Filters are only shown if there are search results available for them.