Once you have found a product you wish to order, click on "Add to basket”. Then select the form of delivery (download, shipment, subscription, ebook, etc.) You need to click “Add to basket” once more in order for your selection to be put in your shopping basket. You can then proceed with your purchase by clicking on “Go to basket” (the button is in the bottom right corner of the browser).

If you are finished browsing and are ready to purchase your selections, use the “Go to basket” button to send off your order. You will be asked to check your details once more before submitting your order.

Please note:

All fields in the order form not explicitly marked as “optional” must be filled out. (For users that are logged in the order form will auto-fill.)

When you are done, click on “Confirm details”. This will direct you to the final overview of your order. Check it one last time and then click on “Pay and order”, which will confirm your order and result in the obligation to pay the full amount.

Finally, you will be provided with an order confirmation. Click on “Order confirmation” to generate a printable copy for your records.